
BiqBin in Iowa

18. 5. 2019, Nicolo Gusmeroli

Nicolo Gusmeroli visited Prof. Sam Burer (University of Iowa)

Nicolo Gusmeroli stayed three weeks in Iowa City for research. He was a visitor of Prof. Sam Burer and together they worked on the relaxations for the exact penalty method over discrete sets.

Nicolo in front of the Old Capitol
Photo: Sam Burer

BiqBin at BAMC2019

26. 4. 2019, Timotej Hrga, Janez Povh

Prof. Janez Povh gave a talk entitled Parallel Branch and Bound Algorithm for the Stable Set problem at British Applied Mathematics Colloquium 2019 (BAMC 2019). This was one of the very few talks relating HPC and applied matematics.

Prof. Janez Povh gave a talk entitled Parallel Branch and Bound Algorithm for the Stable Set problem at British Applied Mathematics Colloquium 2019 (BAMC 2019).
This was one of the very few talks relating HPC and applied matematics.

janez Povh at BAMC2019
Photo: Janez Povh

Presentation of the BiqBin Project

3. 4. 2019, Nicolo Gusmeroli

Presentation of the BiqBin project at the 3rd AIROYoung Workshop of Rome.

On March 28, the PhD student from Alpen-Adria-Universität, Nicolo Gusmeroli, gave a talk at the 3rd AIROYoung Workshop in which he presented the exact penalty method over discrete sets used in the max-cut algorithm. He showed also the latest computational results.

See also:

The Participants

BiqBin workshop at Alpen Adria University Klagenfurt

21. 2. 2019, Janez Povh

BiqBin team had a regular workshop, devoted to monitoring the progress in the last few months and preparing the plans for the following 3 months.

At the workshop, we evaluated:
- the new version of the BiqBin web server,
- the structure of the benchmark library,
- the new parallel solver for the stable set problem;
- pilot code for the exact penalty approach to solve binary quadratic problems with linear constraints and it comparison with CPLEX solver;

We also made a dissemination plan for 2019.
Summing up, the project is progressing well and several excellent publications will be finished soon.

The BiqBin team in front of the AAU
Photo: Elisabeth Gaar